傭工編號: I23812410-F |
Personal Information 個人資料 | |||
姓名 Name |
TRINAWATI | 年齡 Age |
44 |
出生日期 Date of Birth |
1980 | 姓別 Sex |
Female |
出生地點 Place of Birth |
INDONESIA | 宗教 Religion |
回教 Muslim |
婚姻狀況 Marital Status |
已婚 Married |
教育程度 Education |
高中 Senior High School |
合約完結日期 Contract End Date |
身高及體重 Height & Weight |
160 cm / 75 kg | |
簽證到期日 Visa Expiry Date |
預定工作日 Available Date |
香港駕駛執照 HK Driver License |
Family Background 家庭背景 | |||
兄弟姐妹數目 No. of brothers and sisters |
2 | ||
子女數目 No. of children |
2 | ||
子女年齡 Ages of children |
7, 8 | ||
Working Experience 過往工作經驗 | |||
沒有經驗 No experience |
有經驗 Experience |
照顧嬰兒 Care of Babies |
照顧小童 Care of Children |
老人護理 Care of Elderly |
照顧傷殘 Care of Disabled |
烹飪 Cooking |
打理家務 Household Works |
Language Ability 語文能力 |
Remark 備註 (評語只供參考)
學習中 Learning |
中等 Average |
好 Good |
廣東話 Cantonese |
普通話 Mandarin |
英語 English |
Duties Priority 工作意向 | |||||
Care of new-born babies 照料初生嬰兒 | Care of elderly person 照顧老人 | Care of Pets 照顧寵物 | |||
Care of young children 照顧小孩 | Care of Disabled 照顧傷殘人士 | Driver 司機 |
Part of the main working experience 部分主要工作經驗 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
工作地點 Location |
HONG KONG | 家庭人數 Name of Member |
3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
僱主國籍 Nationality of Employer |
CHINESE | 工作年期 (月月/年年) Service Period (MM/YY) |
2003 - 2005 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Jobs Duties 工作範圍 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
備註 Remarks |
離職原因 Reason of leaving |
Previous Employer 前任僱主 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
工作地點 Location |
HONG KONG | 家庭人數 Name of Member |
3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
僱主國籍 Nationality of Employer |
CHINESE | 工作年期 (月月/年年) Service Period (MM/YY) |
2005 - 2009 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Jobs Duties 工作範圍 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
備註 Remarks |
離職原因 Reason of leaving |
Previous Employer 前任僱主 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
工作地點 Location |
HONG KONG | 家庭人數 Name of Member |
4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
僱主國籍 Nationality of Employer |
CHINESE | 工作年期 (月月/年年) Service Period (MM/YY) |
2009 - 2014 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Jobs Duties 工作範圍 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
備註 Remarks |
Supplementary Questions 附加問題 | Yes 是 | No 否 | |
1. |
Have you ever tired to break your contract? 你是否曾斷約? |
2. |
Have you ever been terminated by your employer?(Including reason of employer relocation, employer finance problems , employer passaway) 你是否曾被僱主解僱?(包括僱主移民、僱主財政問題、僱主過身等原因) |
3. |
Are you willing to work on holiday and receive extra salary instead of holidays if the employer request? 僱主要求你在假期工作並支付薪金代替假期, 你是否願意? |
4. |
Are you willing to take care of babies or elder under special circumstances? (eg. Mid-night/early morning) 你是否願意於特別情況之下照顧嬰兒或老人家?(如凌晨/朝早) |
5. |
Are you willing not to use the mobile phones during working hours? 你是否願意與工作時間不使用手提電話? |
6. |
Do you smoke? 你是否吸煙? |
7. |
Are you willing to take care of pets?(Negotiable) 你是否願意照顧寵物?(可商議) |
8. |
Do you eat pork? 你是否吃豬肉? |
9. |
Are you willing to share the rooms? 你是否願意共用房間? |
10. |
Are you willing to work with other maids? 你是否能與另一僱傭共同工作? |
11. |
Are you willing to take a rest day on weekdays? 你會否願意在平日為休息日? |
申請人聲明 Applicant Declaration |
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